
A password is a string of characters used to verify the identity of a user during the authentication process. Passwords are typically used in tandem with a username or a primary email address, as the case at LMU/LLS. Passwords are designed to be known only to the user and allow that user to gain access to a device, application or websites.

Password Requirement/
Requisito de Contraseña

Create a password that is 12 characters and more/12 caracteres y más and include three out of these four categories/3 de estos 4 categorías:

  • Uppercase letters/letras mayúsculas
  • Lowercase letters/letras minusculas
  • Numbers/números (0-9)
  • Symbols/simbolos (@ # $ % ^ & * – _ ! + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ ” ( ) ; < > and/y blank space/espacio en blanco)


Create Strong Passwords

Creating a strong password is a critical step to protecting yourself online. Using long, complex passwords is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself from cybercrime. You should use passwords that are long, strong, and difficult for someone else to guess while still keeping them relatively easy for you to remember.

Use a Passphrase

A passphrase is a sentence like string of words used for authentication that is longer than a traditional password, easy to remember, and difficult to crack.

A common and easy way to create a secure password is to use the first letter of each word from an 8-10 word phrase. In addition to using both upper and lower case characters, substitute "look-alike" numbers and symbols for some of the characters.

For example, using the phrase, I love LMU Kiwibot and they are so cute! A possible passphrase could be IlLMUk&tasc!

What To Do

  • Use different passwords on different systems and financial, shopping, and personal accounts.
  • Use the longest password or passphrase permissible by each password system. LMU password must have at least 12 characters.
  • Develop mnemonics to remember complex passwords.

What Not To Do

  • Do not use passwords that are based on personal information that can be easily accessed or guessed.
  • Do not use common words. Substitute letters with numbers and punctuation marks or symbols.
  • Do not write it down.
  • Do not share with others.